Mind Over Body
January 5, 2012 @ 11:50 PM
Sometimes I feel like I am not making any sense at all as a person, that I am too much of a paradox that it is ruining who I am. I am such a horrendous contradict so much so that I keep losing track of what I want and sometimes who I am. My mind is never constant filled with mood swings acting as quick as a snap.

I feel like I have this annoying alter ego in my head that drives me insane from time to time. It gets so negative and so convincing that I will eventually end up from where I first began or sometimes to even a place I never imagined going. I'll get this rush of thoughts that sometimes send shivers down my spine and I have conversations of so many things in my head. I'm an over-thinker and an over-analyser, that is the trait I like the least about myself.

I feel really useless most of the time and it can get really overwhelming up there. Its a dark place I can't seem to stop visiting. I don't know if it is just me, am I the only one who is like this. It gets exhausting but the more tired I get, the more it seems to be on overdrive. Sigh.
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