February 3, 2012 @ 12:07 AM

They say the seventh year is the most testing year of all. you meet with all sorts of obstacles that will test if your relationship could withstand it all. They say you need to put in an extra an amount of effort to survive.

As supertitious as a person that I am, I don't believe that just because its the seventh year, I need to put in an extra effort to still have my relationship. I believe that every step is an effort. You don't just stop trying just because things are easy. There will always be an instance when things will seem a little hard but its just how we make our way around it. 

I say, every year, no every minute is a test. Every step we take is a test and an effort.


Seventh year. At times, I still get a little winded just being with you. Sometimes, seven years still feels like it was just yesterday. I relish at every embrace, I get butterflies in my stomach and I simply love holding your hand. 

It amazes me still how I still find you amzing, such an astoniching and interesting person. I love how you would always have a vision for what you want and how you are driven to get it. I may never say it but you are truly a wonderful person.

These past few years with have been wonderful, despite the adversities we faced and would faced, despite the uncertainties that we need to overcome. I might get on your nerves a lot, well you get on mine sometimes too so I guess we might be even haha but anyway I love you for whoever you are.

You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, an angel indeed. You have played a big part in shaping who I am today and for that I am grateful. I have loved you even more everyday and I hope you feel the same for me.

This might be a load of cliche but I don't care because at the end of the day, its going to be you and me.

Forever and Always.
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