movie marathon
February 28, 2010 @ 5:22 PM

My Name Is Khan

Valentine's Day

The Lovely Bones

Remember Me

Dear John. *THIS IS A MUST*
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February 27, 2010 @ 6:58 PM

I've always imagined how it would be like when it's time to face the situation. Before, I would always imagine us seated across the room facing what could have been my ultimate doom. As timid as I am, I answer their questions diligently. My eyes taking doubles glances at you every time I do so and the same goes for you. Occasionally, you stood up for us. Well all that was before, when at the thought of eventually meeting them seem so far-fetched.

However, now that I know its going to happen soon, well in approximately three weeks time. We would have to face the two people we have been running away from for nearly five years. Knowing that it is really going to happen totally changes everything. It inevitably changes the way I imagined things.

Right now it would be like this. We're going to be like 15 feet away from them. I'll be holding to your hand, tightly and you would go all, "you scared?" and I'll be like, "no, just a lot nervous". Then you'd hug me and kiss me on the forehead to calm me down even though you are also nervous. We'll brave ourselves up and walk towards them, trying so hard to fight away the crazy thoughts I have.

Then again, my mind has always been so melodramatic. I like it that way though. Although there's the high possibility that it might not happen the way I imagined it would be. We'll just have to wait and see for ourselves.
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6:33 PM

March Movie Marathon.

  • Dear John
  • Remember Me
  • My Name Is Khan
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February 26, 2010 @ 11:52 PM
I know my updates has been quite improper lately and so not me. Just been too busy for a proper update. Therefore, to make it up to my dear readers, I shall do a proper update....tomorrow. (:
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school schmool
11:20 PM

At last, the most agonizing week of school is finally over. Presentations are done and it's safe to say that we did well. Kudos to both my teams. For my TPS team, I know it has been a rough journey but I'm sure everyone of you would agree that working on that project together was hellavu fun. Much thanks to Jannah, Nadiah, Humai, Akmal and Saiful. It was a great experience working with you guys. For my HRA team, my girls; Jannah, Nadiah, Humai, Dee and Maisarah. Finally, a project that we could work on together. Although we procrastinate a lot but hey, the end product was not so shabby right? We did good or even better than we ourselves expected. Mock exam and specimen paper all done and some are still ongoing. Two more weeks to exams. Let's all pull our socks up and start blowing up our brains.
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February 24, 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Let me say this again, my previous post is out on general. I'm not referring to anybody in particular. It is not meant to spite anyone be fictional, real, alive or dead. If anyone feels the heat, I am not responsible for it. Like I say; this is my solitude. This is where my thoughts speaks out loud.
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rotten apples
12:42 AM

We live in a world filled with perceptions and stereotype. Most things are based on judgment, no?I don't get the way perceptions are formed. Just because there's a rotten apple in the basket, it does not mean that all the apples are rotten.

Many have this assumption that if you are a student of ITE, you're a disgrace. You're a rotten apple and that you're not so good academically and so on. Like I said, just because some of the students in ITE are bad, people perceived that all ITE students are as bad. They assume that we do bad things, that we are rebellious and all the other things they made ITE students look/sound like. Most people assume that going to ITE is a bad thing and that going to Poly is a good thing. But I say, it's not all about the reputation. There are Poly students who are as bad or even worst than what people generally say of ITE students.

Going to ITE does not mean we stop learning. We go through the same things every student go through. We get projects, we learn about things and we have examinations. We get stressed too. Honestly, being in a Polytechnic isn't all that. For all you know, they might even be studying the same things as us and from I've seen and heard, some students who attended Poly dropped out because they just lose interest or just could not cope. No, I'm not discriminating against Poly students. I'm shedding some light and trying to clear the air for the unfair judgment ITE students get just because they are in an INSTITUTE of TECHNICAL EDUCATION.

I feel that I have to address this because I think ITE students has been put on a bad light for far too long. I'm just saying in general. Maybe it's time that people out there should stop having the mindset that ITE are for students who has no other choice, that ITE is their last resort of still getting an education. There are mountains of example where you see students from ITE succeed in life. It's always on the individual. Being in ITE might be the path that changes your life.
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February 22, 2010 @ 11:21 PM

Pixie Pixie Pixie.
'you know that i can use somebody...'

Mock Exam.

What a week I shall have therefore I shall need a weekend to rejoice.
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book 2
February 21, 2010 @ 1:08 PM

I want Lauren Conrad's second book; Sweet Little Lies. I already got her first one LA Candy. Anybody knows if it is out yet here in SG?
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nyum nyum nyum
February 20, 2010 @ 12:28 PM

I shall finally update about my LNY weekends. haha.
I know I know, I'm a week late but take it or leave it.

  • Shafiqah's surprise party for hafiz.
  • Party was great, everything went well.
  • Bowling at night with the usual.
  • Cosmic night. ^^
  • Saturday was indeed F U N.
  • Valentine's day.
  • Yes, valentine's day.
  • No comment.
  • Baby off to KL with his siblings.
  • Karaoke with the cousins.
  • N Y A M U K. hahahahahaha.
  • Baby met up with us for supper.
  • Drove around with Baby.
  • Karaoke with his sister.
  • Wednesday school.
Today, we plan to just stay home, bake mac & cheese and watch dvds all day but my dear boy is somehow still asleep. o.O Still I must be nice to him because I hurt his knee. Sorry babe.
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blurry lines
February 18, 2010 @ 9:21 PM

I've said it once and I shall say it again. I pick my words for the best of your interest. I go through things that you claim you knew but you don't. There's a reason why I keep things to myself sometimes, well just away from you because I don't want to go through it all over again. I would rather deal with it on my own than fight for something that will end up being my fault, even when I feel like it was not. I take everything in my stride yet you keep saying that I don't get it. I take full responsibility for most of my actions but when we are already at this stage, fighting for what I feel is right put everything I held on for so long on the line. No matter how much it hurts me, I would rather deal with it on my own than get caught in a moment of sorrow. Where's the sense of gratitude. Drifting away now don't you? I don't get it anymore, it's too complicated. It has gotten to blurry for me to see.
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February 16, 2010 @ 11:08 PM
In lazy mode. Need some recharging.
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February 15, 2010 @ 10:28 AM

I love how she makes me feel, like anything's possible, or like life is worth it.
Or in this case, it's a he.

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February 14, 2010 @ 4:21 PM

They didn't agree on much, in fact they rarely agreed on everything. They fought all the time and they challenged each other everyday. But despite their differences, they had one important thing in common. They were crazy about each other.

-The Notebook
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change yet again
February 12, 2010 @ 5:47 PM

When people change, things will inevitable change. Whether we like it or not, change will happen. Whatever it is, we have to keep moving forward. Staying put and hoping that somehow things will stay as it is, is like waiting for snow to happen here. Believe it or not, the past is what really made who we are now and how things are now. Missing something or someone is a way to remind us that things were once, real. It is to remind us that, after all this time we really had that something in our hands. All this challenges is what I like to believe; our trying times. All of this rough patches, is another way to show that we still care. No matter how much we claim that we don't care, there is always that tiny part of us that still do. Nobody can really stop caring.

I know its never come again.
I miss everything about you.
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tiger lily you
February 11, 2010 @ 9:05 PM

It was easy to smile and not think too much when I'm being surrounded with all the laughter, the pinching and the tickling. It made it easy to put that little piece of mind seated quietly in one corner even though occasionally it comes back to haunt me. And when it does, it was hard to laugh it off. Then when I get all alone, the walls I build to keep me sane began to crumble. All those thoughts run free in my head. My weakness overpowers me.

Everyone wants things, be it superficial or not. Everybody wants to keep things in the past and everybody wants to know how their future would turn out. We keep wanting it so bad, we often forget to try, because at the end of the day, nothing will get anywhere if we don't try. I don't want all the big things in life as much as I want the little ones because it's the little things that matters to me the most. Yet I can't comprehend why I keep repeating the same old mistakes over and over again.

I don't want to be teetering on edge of the cliff any more. I don't want to know that you could just jump anytime. I want to be able to stand with you, together on solid ground. I want us to be stable enough, just enough to make it real. :'(

I miss the the good old days. I don't want to think about it, the past I mean, simply because it makes me sad. It makes me question myself when I know for a fact what the answer would be. Then it made me ponder of all the possibility that could have happen or would happen. It goes on all day long, just like a mean cycle.
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12:24 AM
I miss those times when you would tell me you love me.

Like Jen said with regards to one of her entry. When you're all alone in a quite place, the only sound you would possibly hear is the ticking of the clock. Then as you get immersed in the quietness, you can't help but to think. You think about the things closest to your heart, you wonder how it has come to this and you reminisce about the good old times. Then you start to miss all the what used to be, still knowing for a fact that nothing can change.

You see, I have a weakness. I think too much. No, it's usually not about all the 'you-better-think-twice-before-doing-it' kind of thinking (I don't usually think twice, that's why I always get into trouble). I think about all the things that I've done, the things that happened and all sorts of stuff mostly about the past. Its hard to stop when I start which occasionally leads to a nervous breakdown. My mind works mysteriously. I ponder too many times. I have questions yet I don't want to know the answers. It triggers the imaginative side of my mind and it's usually not the good ones.
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February 10, 2010 @ 11:33 PM
I don't need any more explanations. I don't need any more apologies. I'm done.
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pixie love
February 9, 2010 @ 10:05 PM
my other love.
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you want it, here have it.
8:25 PM

You want it,. Here, I'll give it to you. I'm done playing games. I'm done being discreet. People might find me such as asshole but I don't care because you made me this shitty.

Ainn, I hate you. Yes, I hate you that much. If you still don't get it, I don't know what else to say. You figure it out on your own because if you want me to list it all here, I'll just get even more pissed off. You've crossed my line far too many times and I'm surprised that you are still blind to figure it all out. No, it's not about how you look, how fat you are and all that shit. I have nothing against fat people. It's what you do, what you say, how you did it and how you say it that cuts every raw nerve I have for you. You can talk about your precious boyfriend, brag about him for all I care, I brag about mine all the time. It's the fact that every word you say seems like what I've said before. Still don't get it? I got nothing else to say.

I am done with you. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You want to talk it out, fine. But I shall not promise I'll be nice. No more room for sugar and spice. Stop pushing blame on me for hating you. I deserve to do so. Stop blaming the rest of us even.

Sure, karma will bite me in the ass for this but hell, it can do so for all I care. Because every once in a while someone have to be the bigger bitch. I told you, you won't like to see my other side because I'll shove every ounce of bitch fit I have in me in your face.
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come for me
February 7, 2010 @ 6:38 PM
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my notebook
5:26 PM
Pic one : Hatta would be the most likely one to say that to me.
Pic two : That would be my part.

Our relationship is different. And we like it this way. It differentiates us from the rest of the world. Baby, of all the times I hurt you, the times I was so irritating, the times I was being such a bitch, the times when I'm such clumsy girl, the times when I don't understand you at all and vice versa, the times I got so random, the times I get so stubborn, the times I get so hard-headed and want it all my way or the times I would simply shut out just to make you come for me. Do you believe that I love you too?

xoxo - ellie
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February 6, 2010 @ 7:11 PM

I need a basic sandal. Which one of the above should I get? I like the blue one but at the same time I need something versatile. Black is versatile.
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12:33 PM

You officially disgust me. Are you that dumb that you still have not seen it all by now? You think you're so great. Let me tell you this, you are definitely not. Are you like that deprived? I don't know what to do with you anymore, to hell with you. Go rot in your own filth. It's a fact that I'm IN a relationship longer than you, I don't go counting the years or months I've known Hatta as a friend before actually being with him. It's a fact that I am already with him for five god damn years. Then again, numbers don't really matter because it's what I went through with him that I am proud of. You know what, you can go on boasting about how long you've known your precious boyfriend because there's one thing that I can admit and you don't. At least, I know what it feels like to be hurt and to be happy, at least I can tell my love story. One more thing, at least my ideas are pretty much my own.

Fiqah, where are you? I got a lot to rant about. Haha.
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February 5, 2010 @ 7:46 PM

Nice right the colour blue. My favourite colour. But.....

When it comes to roses, I prefer yellow. Yellow roses are my favoutite. :) Valentine's coming. Hint - hint. Hehe
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no more straws left
7:15 PM

How does it feel to have your life re-enacted for you? Wait, copied seems to be the better word. I shall rephrase. How does it feel to have a copy of your life done by somebody else. How does it feel to have someone steal or copy your words, your ideas, your style, your definition of fun and then takes credit for it? How does feel to have to pick up other people's slack for them? How does it feel when they say that you never appreciate their effort when they are the ones eating up their own words?

I was never the petty sort, well a little part of me that is. When I don't like something, I either say it upfront or I keep giving them hints to make them realize or I just show them I'm annoyed and become a bitch that I already am. You know when things have gone too far, but what do you do when people keeps doing the things you do? As most of you know, I just celebrated my fifth year anniversary two days ago and I shall not deny that I was beyond ecstatic about it & I'm grateful for all the well wishes from my family and friends. But how do you feel when the next day you found that someone is also boasting about their love life , not just any someone, someone you hate. They too go on saying that they have had a fruitful five years when the facts are not even true at all. Bloody bitch. You know who you are. Isn't it really annoying to have them steal the words right out of your mouth?

No, that's not the end of it. School has really been a place I never look forward to except for the girls. They are the reason I show up and also because I care about my future. But how do you like it when you make all the way down to school, even though it's quite redundant, given the distant I have to travel just for a mere four hours of class. Then you have people wasting your time and have you pick up their slack. People who thinks they couldn't care less just because they think their head has got too big for their own good. You expect me to put in effort to make the hostile situation better, but there you go again doing things that proves me right. How would you like if you spend weeks cracking your head to do a project, you execute it well, then you have people taking the base of your ideas and take credit for it. A perfect example; baking cupcakes is the new in thing right? Yes, I am being sarcastic. I hope their conscience eat them alive. Come to think about it, it all started with one person, now I don't even think she is grateful for the times we backed her up.

Girls, I think we need to have a trademark chop. So people won't steal our ideas, our words, our games or even our stories.
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f'ing messed up
6:39 PM
I f'ing hate this. Hatta & I could finally had the time to spend quality time together ever since he came back but this has to happen. So, you tell me, how the hell am I suppose to have a ball of time when I have so little money in my pocket? I am f'ing angry. This is not the first time it has happen. No, this is not just about the money. I'm not that petty. There are reasons why I ditched work sometimes. I just feel like it's not worth it and with the kind of challenges I have to face while working there, the more this shouldn't be the way. Don't get me wrong, I take my hats off to you guys who has endured working there. I enjoyed my time there too, but I just lost interest. With the kind of 'treatment' I get sometimes which I shall not elaborate on here, I admit that there are times I just feel like quitting. I just could not take it anymore. So you tell me, is it fair for me to continue on when this is what I get?

With decisions come consequences, I know that. I think it's time I find something proper, something I look forward to. Something that is certain.
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five years
February 3, 2010 @ 12:00 AM

Today is my fifth anniversary. Five years. Above are some pictures of our gifts. Baby gave me a Swatch set; contains a watch and a notebook. I love it. I gave him a scrap book I made myself. We did not exactly celebrate grandly today because of time constraint, but we will make up for it. Saturday okay honey? Hopefully.

Five years. My God, who would have thought we could have come this far. Some journey it has been. The past years, no doubt there was some bad times but there are good times too. The past year especially was the hardest I've yet to go through. But we managed to surpass them, coming out of it stronger than ever I believe. Though they might still be some cracks here and there, a little scar here and there but it gives us a reason to push forward. I have a feeling that this year we will encounter a lot of hurdles; be it good ones or bad ones. This year might be the year that will possibly let us get a glimpse of our future ahead.

Honey, Happy Anniversary. I love you, always and forever.
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February 2, 2010 @ 11:25 PM

Life has been pretty hectic lately, so whenever I get to have some free time, it feels different. And so I usually catch up on some sleep. Most of my time are occupied by school, another part of it was by work and the little time I have left is use for my time to spend with friends and family. I think it's going good, that I am able to fit them in given the constraint but with decisions comes consequences. All that is taking a toll on my body, I get so restless. I swear I can get so tired I could sleep anywhere. Next thing you know you'll see my face at Stomp. hah *insidejoke*

I miss the Kapas Bebola Geng so much. Its been ages since we last hang out together, all six of us. Everyone gets so caught up with their own thing, we each forget time for fun. I miss having fun with them, each time ending the day with holes in our stomach. Talking from everything we could under the moon. We need some serious catching up. I miss my two best friends too. Desi Arisandi & Nowreen Khan, please free yourself from the hustle and bustle, come let's meet and catch up again.

I hope things would take it slow now, I don't want to get so caught up so much so till I forget to enjoy the little things in life.
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we belong
12:46 AM

I've been through bumpier roads I think I can surpass this. I know I can, I just don't know if I could handle it. I'm bracing myself because I know you're ready. You're tired of fighting, tired of putting up a brave front just because you have had enough of the drama. I know you aren't asking for a lot, just the simple things that matter. I know, I'm asking for them too. I know you just want some load off your shoulders and your chest, everybody has been pushing for it. But we can't stop what we've started, you taught me that. Whatever bumps we are going to face because of this, just remember baby, we chose this path, we gotta stick to it. We gotta fight for what we feel is right. You said that, remember?

Isn't it funny how the simplest things are the hardest things to get a hold of. No matter how lightly or how tightly we held on to it, either way it slips away if we are irresponsible. If we are too caught up unnecessarily, we miss the important things that pass us by.

Some people take things we yearn for, for granted. They take the little things we find hard to grasp, lightly. Only to realize what they have been missing and what they have lost when its gone.

btw, Happy Birthday Mum. Love you.
You've been the greatest. The strongest woman I know besides Granny.
You've been through a lot. Have a good one mummy.
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fresh air
February 1, 2010 @ 1:06 AM

Decided to get a new because I simply got tired of the previous one. It got really dull. This looks fresher, for now. So techni - simple. I like.

Saturday was well spent outside with a whole bunch of awesome people. Reached home at five in the morning, got some sleep then woke sweetie and myself up for work at eight-forty-five am for work at ten respectively. Work was bloody irritating. I'm sick and tired of it. I decided to hold on to that job for now though, since its my only source of income. But I also decided to find a much stable job when I graduate. & that seems like a long way to go still. o.o

I'm tired now, very sleepy but I'm waiting for my askar boy to call me. School tomorrow, feels like skipping but projects everywhere. Sigh. On another note, it's already February. How fast. Tomorrow is Mum's birthday and in two more days its my fifth year anniversary. In love I am so. haha

Well, till then honeys. xoxo
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