you want it, here have it.
February 9, 2010 @ 8:25 PM

You want it,. Here, I'll give it to you. I'm done playing games. I'm done being discreet. People might find me such as asshole but I don't care because you made me this shitty.

Ainn, I hate you. Yes, I hate you that much. If you still don't get it, I don't know what else to say. You figure it out on your own because if you want me to list it all here, I'll just get even more pissed off. You've crossed my line far too many times and I'm surprised that you are still blind to figure it all out. No, it's not about how you look, how fat you are and all that shit. I have nothing against fat people. It's what you do, what you say, how you did it and how you say it that cuts every raw nerve I have for you. You can talk about your precious boyfriend, brag about him for all I care, I brag about mine all the time. It's the fact that every word you say seems like what I've said before. Still don't get it? I got nothing else to say.

I am done with you. I don't want anything to do with you anymore. You want to talk it out, fine. But I shall not promise I'll be nice. No more room for sugar and spice. Stop pushing blame on me for hating you. I deserve to do so. Stop blaming the rest of us even.

Sure, karma will bite me in the ass for this but hell, it can do so for all I care. Because every once in a while someone have to be the bigger bitch. I told you, you won't like to see my other side because I'll shove every ounce of bitch fit I have in me in your face.
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