May 25, 2009 @ 9:56 PM

School started out okay. I was super tired in the morning. I think I yawned a gazillion times. Alright, that's a tad bit dramatic. The day went on quite smoothly.

Ohh, remember I said my school has a monkey. Well during LPD we had free time so we just slack around. Then on the opposite block a MONKEY was sitting on the ledge. Maisarah and Yen Ming went closer but they got chase by the monkey. *laughs. So funny.

On another note, you know how in any environment, be it in work, in school or where ever, there is always that someone you love to hate. The ones that deserve to be bitch slap, cursed and hit by a speeding car. The ones that is so insecure they speak so lowly of themselves to gain sympathy from others. Well that kind of people just irks me out. I can be all sugar & spice but when you step out of my line, you've just done it. You've cross the damn line. The line that defines where you stand in my eyes. Please don't let my petite size fool you.

If anyone feels offended or affronted by what I said, my apologies but this is my blog, I can say what the freaking hell I want.


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