screw you
September 4, 2009 @ 10:00 PM
I don't play pretend.

illustrations Pictures, Images and Photos

I didn't attend school today. Why? Because my modules today, I am done with. First semester is coming to an end. So freaking excited about it. I'll be left to mug for Bze paper happening this coming Monday and Pac the day after.

Baby woke me up saying he's at the clinic taking medical leave and he is not fasting. With eyes barely open, I replied to his text messages. But I fell back to sleep soon after. Haha. Tk bleh harap! I woke up like half an hour later and head for the showers. By the way, I think someone up there decided to play with the weather remote. One minute is raining, the next it was scorching hot, burning hot I tell you. Might-as-well-crack-an-egg-and-fry-it-on-the-pavement hot.

Met Hafiz and Labu at BBDC and another of Baby's friend before heading off to several bike shop. Hafiz wants to buy a bike. His first bike ever. Aww, da besar la kawan aku! Haha. Then something happened that seriously pissed my ass off. Something so unnecessary for you to do.

You didn't need to scream at my face, asshole. Did you use your brain at all when you decided to say that to me? I doubt so. Stupid question some more, how the hell am I suppose to inform you guys when I don't have my phone with me. Leave the bikes there and call you. If I do so, its gonna end in the same way as well right? Damn you. This is my first time with you and yet you qualify yourself to enter in my black book. Well done! Do you know that you face irks me? Come to think of it, wouldn't it be awesome if you were to get fine there, serves you right. Thanks for ruining my day, motherchucker.


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