little birdie bee
March 26, 2010 @ 4:00 PM
A little birdie once told me that one should not waste their time and effort on someone who does not deserve them. I never truly understood why because I always believed that if you never try you would never know.

I lived my life trying and hoping, even though at times things are bleak. I believe there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. I've seen first hand how you could easily push someone you love away. How you would give every ounce of energy, time and effort you got trying. And how all those effort just went down the drain when you realize that all this while, you were the only one with hands help up high. When that happens, I began to wonder if it's meant to be that way in the first place or did I not tried hard enough.

Everybody knows that running away from it all is not an answer but everybody still does it. Sometimes fantasizing is good to get away from the realm of reality. In my life, I have pushed people away from me and I have had people push me away but that does not mean it's the end of the world. Everybody needs somebody, at the very least. While some are better off, there are others who could really be there even if you don't want them to. You see, once you push the ones you love away, there is a chance that they might never come back. It is then we learn the term regret.

I have had people tell me how strong of a person I am given the circumstance I've went through. I thank them with all my heart. It's not easy living life as it is. Why? Because it's god damn it; life. I've learnt the meaning of trouble and I've learn that I'm going to stay away from it as much as I possibly could. I'll them find me instead. My opinions have got me in trouble once before and lately, I realize perhaps I should just keep them to myself.

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