bunny rabbit
April 2, 2010 @ 12:47 AM

I'm getting annoyed at some people who keep having something to say about my life. I respect your opinion but it's getting a tad annoying now. It's my life. I can eat what I want, do what I want, date who I want and all of it. I'll carry the burden myself so I would like it if you take a step back and just let me breathe a little. I'm not asking for much here.


I'm sure most of you know by now that I have already stop working. And it's not a big deal except that for the holidays now, it would be a little difficult for me to get a stable source of income for my expenses, given that I usually get daily allowances inclusive of school. But the thing is that, I don't mind. I don't mind being broke.

Every time I whine about being broke, I have a lot of people saying to me, "you can ask from Hatta what....". I know I can. But the thing is, I don't like asking Hatta for money even though he is my boyfriend. I may ask him for a lot of things, I may tell him I want this and that but I don't expect him to get it for me. Most of the time, I get the things I want myself even though Hatta usually nags about it. I don't put pressure on him to get the things I want for me. I have my reasons but I just don't like asking money from my boyfriend. I leave it up to him if he wants to buy me things or not and neither do I get upset if I don't get it.

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