April 21, 2010 @ 12:18 AM

Today was not really a good day. It would have been great if certain things didn't happen. First, I nearly cried in the train. Yes, melodramatic much but I nearly did. Why? Because I was caught in between so many people standing too close to me and all those while I was finding it hard to catch a breath. Here's the thing, I have personal space issues, mildly claustrophobic. I cannot have too many people surrounding me in a close manner, I might even lose it when I cannot handle the way people's skin rubs against mine, even if it's just a gentle brush. And it makes it even harder if I'm in a tight space. I nearly freaked out. Second, I got cheated for lunch. It was daylight robbery. Can you believe it, five dollars for a measly two piece of chapatti and ice lemon tea. It got me so pissed. To me, it clearly seemed like they were taking advantage me. The rest of the day went well though. It started pretty well too. I'm starting to like ADB even though its quite tedious for me, given the distance and all. But I like it. I like my group and I cannot wait to start working on other things. I'm still trying to get use to the school schedule. With this kind of time frame, I don't have to wait until Friday for it to take it's toll on me. For now, I'm just taking it in on my stride. 

On another note, my back is hurting me like a lot. It's putting me in so much agony. Panaflex doesn't do much to help either. All it does is emit heat and nothing else. It doesn't even stick for long. I think I need to pay the doctor a visit one of these days. Get to the bottom of this. For now, I shall endure the pain and try not to prolong it any longer.

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