May 22, 2010 @ 4:01 PM

Demise is inevitable. It is the parts and parcel of life. Everybody will have to go through it someday. Though I admit that it scares me, its the thought of what death brings with it scares me even more. At times I even find it unfair. Why do we have to leave forever and at the same time hurt the ones we love. I hate thinking about it, I hate thinking that with every passing we leave a scar upon the ones we love. We create this empty feeling in them, we make them go through all the raw emotions and the thought of not being able to be around our presence anymore. How can we bring ourselves to leave the one we love picking up the pieces on their own? Then again, death itself is a part of life.

When someone passed, it's normal that we grieve but we all have different ways to grieve. When we are told of the news, we'd take a moment to decipher the intensity of the situation. It will take us a while to let the message make its way to our brain before making its way to the other parts of our body. Some of us recover from the shock almost instantly while some of us will tale a little longer to grasp the reality of it is.

No matter who passed on, be it family, a close friend or just an acquaintance, we will ultimately feel the loss. And when that happens, and when it is time for us to gather and pay our last respects, we set aside all the bad things that has been going or happened between us and the deceased. on instead we reminisce about the fond times we had together or even the slightest brush of connection.

When mama called me to tell that a distant relative passed, and I mean literally distant, I let out a bitter laugh but when I had my time to be alone, that is when it sunk in. I may only see her once or twice a year, I had a very vivid memory of who she is and the times I spent with her when I was younger. Her passing was shocking. My condolences to her family. Al-Fateha.
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