dancing with a liar
June 7, 2010 @ 10:14 PM

I have been staring at this blank canvas for the past hour. These days I just don't know what to blog about. It's either I talk in circles here or some things are just too personal. I even thought of privatizing this blog. I'm not that of an avid blogger anymore or so I thought. At times I just do a simple update because it bothered me that it seems kind of untouched. Unless I have the need to express something, I would hardly do something proper. Moreover, I have been having a busy few weeks and it is probably one of the factors leading to this dusty space.

On another note, I have been greeting Monday with a bang for the past two weeks and its not the good kind. With still so many things to do and so many things to acknowledge, I am still finding it hard to grasp that the event I am working on with my girls will happen in exactly four days. In four days, we will get to see if our hard work is worth it. And I have decided to shove the groups politics aside for a smooth sailing outcome. We have so much hanging on the line and it's not worth it to destroy it because we fail to control our frustration any longer, alright Nadiah & Jen? This event has been weighing on our shoulders for weeks and even though we cringe every time we here a problem arising, we will always find a way to figure things out. Let's persevere girls. We will end the school term with a bang just like Monday greeted us.

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