May 20, 2009 @ 10:37 PM

I am starting to dislike Wednesdays. Hate is too strong of a word.

Wednesdays are the reasons why I'm so lethargic by the end of the day and will continue to be the next day. Its the reason why I'm so short-tempered, so restless, so cranky and the reason my brain starts to function so slowly despite the fact that it might already be addled by the heat.

Believe me, by the time I reached home, threw my bag on my bed and plop myself to the couch.

Remember the days, in secondary school where I'd be half-asleep during Maths or Chemistry or even both? That was what I was like in PAC. My eyes felt so heavy and by the looks of my book, I think I was writing alien words. Not that I know if aliens write.

We watched The Kite Runner during LPD. A great controversial movie that will move you and have you sitting at the edge of your seat. It will have your tears sitting at the pocket of your eyes and made you smile and gawk at how cute the child actor was. It will make you see the world of war struck countries in a different light. Its a must watch.

I'm suppose to be revising but I'm very tired. I swear, tomorrow my body will be sore and the chunks will still be there.


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