never again
August 26, 2009 @ 10:14 PM
Just not the same.

rain... Pictures, Images and Photos

School was such a bore today. I can't participate in SW because of my toe (don't ask) so the only reason I came to school was for OFA's assessment which was such a motherchucking killer by the way. All I can hope for is for a miracle but then again,

-pretending takes much less effort than hoping.

Not to mention tomorrow, I'm feeling so lethargic for school. Holidays please come quick, I need you and I need money!

You can easily make my heart skip a beat be it in joy or anxiety. You're like a another type of bi polar disorder. I can fell so uncertain, I can't sit still. But when you reassure me, you did it real good. I miss you so much this days. Its so hard to hear from you this days let alone see you. Maybe my holidays will make easier for us. I try to understand but its not possible if its all the time. Still, I love you baby. :* .


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