might have been(s)
October 2, 2009 @ 8:28 PM
If this isn't love.

When I first entered this I didn't know what to expect. But as we went along, I learn that there are certain things I should and should not expect so often. A relationship under construction. Rebuilding a new bridge over the one that burnt down. Along with it was the memories we had. We learnt that at a certain time we have to let things go even if it hurts. Building our new bridge meant sacrificing certain things. Such as the affections we once had and soon yearn for, the sweet nothings often whispered just to make the butterflies in each tummies fly, the reassurance we tend to seek for, they little things. We would throw all that away just so we could built something new with the same person. With that, we slowly place the pieces back together again, one at a time. Yea, we're still going to find hard. And when all of it is said and done, we'll give it a test. Will it be able to withstand the uncertain future, would it crumble like it did before and most of all will it be strong enough  albeit everything its going to deal with. Nobody said love was easy, we just need to figure out the way the puzzle fit, because love triumphs over anything.

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