empty promises
November 28, 2009 @ 3:41 PM

When a line is drawn, it signifies boundaries. At times I wish I could just disappear, run away from it all. Most of the times I put on a front showing people that I don't really care about my surroundings, perhaps that way it is easy to move on with the day without worrying about the whole truth. Then reality sets in, I cared too much. That was the brutal truth.

At times, I'm done trying simply because my efforts are never appreciated. All the times I tried to at least be there for anyone, it will always come and bite me back in the rear. Even after all that, I get blamed for everything. Where was everyone when I was in need? Everyone suddenly and silently went away without a word. Even the most important people in my life are starting to slowly pull away, trying hard enough not to hurt me; but what they do not know is - they are already did. Nobody knows how its killing me inside.

I won't say that no one understands me, because I'm sure at least someone does. Words are easy to say but turning it into actions are always a struggle. I'm struggling now. Promise is a big word, my promises are empty now. I'm slowly losing grip. I'm not making sense anymore. & they say keeping mum in a moment of anger, saves a thousand days of sorrow.

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