my sister's keeper
November 10, 2009 @ 12:03 AM


I went on and make use of my birthday gift and went to catch My Sister's Keeper in the cinema. Every time a book was remade into a movie, I kind of knew that it can never be as good as the book. However without realization, I went into the theater with a whole lot of expectations. I could not stop myself from thinking that somehow the movie is going to be better. Yet again, I was wrong. I did cry though, i know I would. It was not entirely the same as the book, we all know that. Most part has been cut or altered, some characters are different from the book and some who are in the book was not in the movie at all. Like Julia the guardian ad litem ; she was not in the movie at all. Campbell Alexander the attorney was in his mid forties whereby I expected him to be this some hot twenty five year old. Brian Fitzgerald looks older that what he was described as in the book and Kate and Julia was two years younger from what they are stated in the book. Even though most of the exciting part was altered, I was most disappointed with the ending. It was so far from how the book ended, so so far. I'm glad I read the book first before I watched the movie because you would not understand it. Given the fact that its about 4/5 pop dogs, I would watch it again with a heartbeat.

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