clearer now
December 23, 2009 @ 1:18 AM
Back like you never broke~ Change happens all the time. There's no way stopping it even if you try to slow it down. We just have to suck it up and deal with it. It's hard to fathom how things would really work out now when they change but I realize that there's no point dwelling on it. Trying to live up to the past that was once what it used to be. No matter how much it really sucks we all know once change steps in, there is now way of getting back what we lost. No doubt, I miss a lot of things between us. I miss all the what used to be(s). As much as I hate this nagging feeling, I know instead of hoping that one day that things will get back to how they were, I told myself to move forward and tackle what we have now before I get my hopes crush. I guess with time on our side, we or should I say, I would get use to it somehow some day. I'm slowly seeing a clearer picture even though getting to one decision feels like a milestone. It's hard especially for me baby, but give me time. I'll pull through.
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