Somewhere out there
July 19, 2010 @ 9:43 PM

They say the answers we are looking for are usually inside of us. We just need to look for it and if we look hard enough, we would find it. Sometimes the answers are right in front of us, we are just to blinded to see. However, here's the thing I do not understand, IRONY. how can the answers that we hard looking for be so hard to find when it is usually right under our nose the whole time. Perhaps as I mentioned above, we are too blinded by other things that we thought are the answers we are looking for all along. But why do we have to spent time, time that can be spent on something important, looking for answers that might be infront of us or might never have existed int he first place. Maybe I'm naive but I'm dire straits for answers. Patience I have but time not so much, because I'll barely have time to figure out what I need to if I'm constantly blinded by what it seems to be what I'm looking for when there is always a better answers out there.

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