Hearts on my sleeves
November 7, 2010 @ 11:29 PM

For quite some time, I've been wearing my heart on my sleeve. I have no qualms opening up about what I feel, to who or what. I can come here at anytime of day or night and sing my heart out without any worry. I feel safe being open to whoever that comes here to read. I feel oddly comfortable seeking solace here and by the end of every post, I feel like a few stones have been lifted up from my shoulders, even if it is just pebbles.

But now, I find it hard not to feel too naked talking about things, even if it's things that I use to easily talk about. Now, I find myself talking in circles and all those thoughts in my head tends to stay in my head. I find myself feeling reluctant to open up here. Hence, the lack of updates. So here I am, trying to start from where I left off, trying to find it in me and start wearing parts of my broken parts on my sleeves again.

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