teenage dream
November 15, 2010 @ 11:28 PM

Lately things hasn't been sitting right with me. I feel like I could have been treated better or perhaps fairly. I'm not asking for a lot, I never did asked for anything out of reach. I'm not referring this to my relationship with H, I'm saying this in general. Life's unfair you might say but what about compromise? Why can't you go a little out of your way for me if I can do it for you. Perhaps if you would stop and see, I never expect anything much in return. If I can help someone out in a anyway that I can, I would. I just wanted someone to show me that they would do the same for me. Or if not, at least treat me like I deserve a little better. I just wanted someone to fill me in, in the little things.

Everybody wants fairness. I guess it's just life as it is. Sometimes you just have to give a little more even if it does not exactly benefits you.

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