ticking time bomb
November 27, 2010 @ 12:05 AM

I think it's common sense that you are to return the things that you borrowed the same way it was given to you. There's a reason why I'm always so reluctant to let other people use my stuff. I don't mind if it is the little things but even so it does not mean that you have to mistreat it. Call me stingy or what you may, I'm just very particular about my things. Are you willing to let others ruin your things even if you are the one insisting that they should borrow it? This is getting a tad frustrating and the patience in me is thinning. 

I could easily tell my mum or my aunt about this. But I do not have it in me to vent my frustration on them. Especially when either way, it is going to put them in a spot and break their hearts, which will make me feel even more guilty. If you think this is very pathetic of me and that I am being petty and childish because I'm getting upset over materiality, then try walking in shoes, even if it is just for a night. And I am not trying to sing  my own  praises but the fact that I managed not to break anything in the room and get out of it being the bigger person and shift the anger somewhere else is a big deal, especially if you are me. So for now, I am just going to take a deep breath every single time and see how much longer I can last.

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