February 10, 2009 @ 11:19 PM
work,work,work. Luckily work isn't so mundane as I imagined it would be.
Quennie was there so she lightened my mood up a notch.
Without her at work I think I would die of boredness,unless Liza's there.
one thing about Quennie is that,once she starts talking,there is no stopping unless you feed her something,but you have to brace yourself of her post-eating complaints; "look i fat already,still give me eat".(with the cute accent of hers)


Today was not super busy like yesterday,but I found out that we still have more than 400 plush doggies to give away. So people,come,come. Spend your money and come 'adopt' this little plushy. Anyway,I somehow managed to get through the day. Baby was busy today so I didn't hear from him since...*kruck*kruck*kruck* I can't remember. Heehee. So I texted Danny. Didn't hear from him for quite some time. As usual,there is always something to crap about.

I told him that I found a job that pays well an hour and still get time to increase my butt size and he was bewildered. Haha,poor Danny. Advising me that I should share my wealth and all. So I told him, I will share but I'll prolly spend it on me first. I've even bought a dress even before my pay comes in, credits to mummy. Thank you mummy.

&skip skip skip.

I stayed for another one and a half hour to accompany Liza and close all the system,then it was time for me to head home. I felt so drained reaching home,having to deal with the fucking back ache i've endured the whole day but then Baby called and it makes everything worth the while. I told Baby about my day and he told me his,well not really. I did most of the talking,hehehe. Sorry Baby,if i made you suffer thanks to my non-stop babbling. As usual,I talked Baby to sleep and I won't be hearing from him tomorrow 'cause he has an out of camp event and can't bring his phone along. Baby,I'll miss you.

BUT,tomorrow's my off day. YEAHHHHHHHH! I can wake up LATEEEEE. Come,cheer with me. But I'll prolly head back to Lot 1 again tomorrow,'cause I'm getting my manicure. yeah yeah yeah,so excited.

Okay, I'm signing off now. This fucking back of mine is fucking hurting me. I'm going to sleep now. Bye-bye.


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