August 8, 2009 @ 11:01 AM
Two cents worth.

I've had enough. Seriously. This will be the final time, because it has drained my energy which I feel should be wasted on something much more important that this piece of crap. First of all, I don't need to be told "stop it" because I started nothing. Do not blame me for making this shit worst blame your best-est friend who can't seem to keep shut and cause all this drama, I'm just playing along with it. That is what you want right?

I'm done now.

Honestly, school now is like a shithole. Its so frustrating to make do with the irritating environment but at least I have the girls there and so much more than to just waste away school just because of some so-called-drama. And honestly, the class was never untied before, what makes you think it would be now. And losing you, as whatever you claim we were, will never affect me. And oh, it doesn't concern you on how I want to entertain this. I can blog about it, I can publish in the paper or I can use the loudhailer


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