you treat me just like
August 18, 2009 @ 8:12 PM
Another stranger


Today was rough. Today was like the day everything will just piss me off but I managed to curb that ugly side of mine so that my day wouldn't be so shitty than it already is. Started by waking up late, I was left with only half an hour to get ready for school if not I'll be insanely late. I was not going to throw away my perfect attendance just like that. Eee, I sound like a geek!

Had one hour of class before heading off to lunch then off to Orchard for the marketing survey/project. Floody buck, I swore my feet could drop off from its joints just like that and the hot weather isn't being nice either. And the people are so %&(^$^%#.

Scratch that! School has been really tiring of late. Everything is piling up like a hill. I need a good long massage man! My shoulders and back are killing me.


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