a personal abode
August 17, 2010 @ 9:12 PM

I think by now most of you have known that I am prone to being sick. That is something I'm not taking lightly and neither am I liking any moment of it. I dread being sick just like some of you who dreads height or the dark or all those other things that you fear. Lately my back has been acting up again. While I have always had scoliosis, it kind of stopped a few months back. Now, when it made its return, it does not seem to spare me of the agony. When it first came back, I thought it would be gone in a few days but little did I know that it would escalate to this especially after the fever. Oh the agony.

Mama decided to bring me to see a doctor a fews days after I recover from the fever because I kept complaining of the back ache. Doc said that it was probably caused by the fever and gave me more painkillers. Medicines, another thing that I dread. Not like it makes me feel any better, well, maybe it does for a little while. Makes me feel a little loopy too. Hehe. Anyway, he also said that if the pain remain consistent within a month or two, he would recommend me to see a spine specialist. Oh, c'mon.

So now, I have been diligently taking my medicines. Haha, like real. I would only take them if I'm in real pain. Cannot depend on medicine all the time, I might become a drug addict if I do. Plus mama told me that if I take too much of the medicines that I am having now, it could damage my liver. Why oh why must she tell me that. Now I wonder, if ever *touchwood* my liver does fail, would any kind soul donate theirs to me if theirs matches?

I guess for now, I just want my back to get better. I want to be free from all the sickness. Breathe without worry.

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