respect my privacy
October 21, 2010 @ 11:06 PM

I am a very petty person and I am not afraid to admit that. I am very particular about a lot of things and privacy is one of the things. Recently, I have just moved to my aunt's place, because my parents decided to make a not so clever decision. Anyway, I won't talk about that and back to my point. With moving comes packing and then unpacking, knowing me and the type of person I am, I have a lot of things that I would like to keep and like to hopefully keep it private. But because of the move and the fact that I have to stay at  my aunt's place until god knows when, I need to find a space for my stuff. The thing is my aunt has five children and three of which are still very young. With that, it is no surprise that their curiosity will lead from one thing to another. The point is, it is impossible to keep my private things private without having the kids meddling with my stuffs. Not only that, it is merely impossible to have a private moment on my own without having anyone invading. For god's sake, I can;t even find a room to talk on the phone with H. It gets a tad frustrating because I'm so used to having my own space where I can just throw my things anywhere and not have anyone picking it up next, fiddling with it and ending up ruining it or talk to H or anyone at all on the phone without feeling inferior or whatnot or just have a quiet space to think and write. I have not been updating my diary much these days because of the obvious. Oh well, I guess I have to start getting used to this things. But then again, I don't want to. 
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