Always Be
November 20, 2010 @ 11:54 PM

I am who I am and I don't change for anyone unless its for the better and that someone is a significance to me. I'll always be the girl who trips over her own feet, always clumsy. I'll always sensitive, always find a way to interpret certain things or words that will end up doing me more harm than good. I'll always be the girl who has on going battles in her head almost every single day. I'll always be insecure and paranoid. I'll always be the girl who questions and gets scared of the answers. I'll always be the girl that will make you repeat what you say because I  either did not hear you the first time round or I simply do not understand. I'll always be the girl who fears change and does not do well under pressure. I'll always be the girl find it hard to leave the past behind. I'll always be the girl who would stare at you and wonder about all the possibilities. I'll always have conversations going on in my head. I'll always be the girl who thinks she deserves more but you deserves better. I'll always be the girl who would put everyone else's feelings before her own no matter how hard she tries to put hers first. I'll always be the girl with big dreams, always a hopeless romantic. I'll always be the girl who would flowers in her hair. I'll always be dramatic. I'll always be the girl who wants things her way and will stop at nothing to get it, or would probably get upset if I don't. I'll always be the girl who wears her inner child on the outside, as a facade to hide away the bitter one in her. I'll always be the girl who wears her heart on her sleeves. I'll always be the girl who wishfully hopes for a happy ending. I'll always be the girl who secretly wishes upon the stars and the moon. I'll always be the girls whose imaginary friend is also he alter ego and her best friend. I'll always be me.

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