A Little Faith Goes A Long Way
April 16, 2011 @ 10:45 PM

Last week has been overwhelming I shall say. Everything caught me a little off my guard. In case you have not known yet, I have been given a spot in Singapore Polytechnic to a course in Diploma in Business Information Technology. It is not my chosen course or even what I wanted but I am grateful enough to be given an opportunity like this.

At first, when I was offered this course, I was very reluctant to accept it. Given that it is IT and it is not really my cup of tea. So I sought advices and opinions from family and friends, they all told me to give it a shot. At the very least, I would still have a spot in poly and since no other poly has gotten back to me, I thought that it was the best bet I got. Plus, I started to wire my thoughts and told myself that this may not be the one that I asked for, but this is an opportunity for me to expand my horizons, to visit fields that I never thought of stepping on. Who knows maybe this is a path that will lead me to bigger things. And I have a feeling that I am going to settle quite well in DBIT, just give me some time.

Hence, I spent the past week enrolling myself into SP. It was a very taxing process and very frustrating too. Let's put it this way, school is starting on Monday and I have yet to get my timetable, my class and most importantly what time do I have to report to school on the first day, neither have I ordered my laptop. Because to do all of it, I need to go through the student portal but to have access to the student portal, I need a user id and a password. The school was suppose to mail it to me but I have yet to get it. So tell me how now brown cow? Not to mention that I did not go through the orientation. I feel so unprepared. I do not know what to expect, what to do. I feel like time is going to fast and everything else is going to slow. 

Then I realize, I am complaining quite a lot rather that showing my gratitude towards getting a spot in poly. Alhamdulillah. I mean remember how affected I would get when I see people saying that they are lazy for the orientation and lazy to attend poly? I realize that I am starting to behave like that and I am going to stop that. I am very grateful that I got a spot in poly, in SP at that.

So this part right here is for those who was my pillar of strength, to those who was there when I found out that I didn't make it but still believed that somehow I would make it. They believed so much in me that sometimes it scares me but most of the time it just helps me to keep holding on and never give up. They are the reason I managed to come out from this with a whole new perspective. So thank you. I share this joy with all of you and I cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart. :')
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