May 23, 2011 @ 11:54 PM
I have not done a pictorial post for some time and this seems to be the perfect time to do so. Bear with me readers and enjoy the rest of it.

So last week, IS0904B and the rest of the April 2009 intake of ITE Bishan officially graduated with their respective certificates. I like the rest of my classmates, graduated with a certificate of Higher Nitec in Business Administration. If you don't already know I have been very excited about this graduation ceremony. It was more than just a commemoration of my time there. It mean a lot to me being in ITE, it has opened so many doors for me and has given me countless opportunities. That night proves to me how my hard work and efforts has paid off, how it was worthwhile. It also gave me something priceless, my kambz. I have never been prouder of myself than I was that night. I would have given myself a pat on the back. I had fun on that night even if time seems to pass by like a train. I had two of the important people in my life there to support me. Everything sufficed.

The best thing that I got out from there.

Beats me since when ITE had a school song. First and the last I shall hear of it.

So prooud of Moxie having their magazine featured at the Graduation and thank you for having is as a part of it.

 My mum was there but there was no picture of her and I.
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