One out of three
June 3, 2011 @ 7:48 PM

When something bad happens, it doesn't usually coming knocking on our door with a warning sign and even when we see it coming, we do close to nothing to stop it, yes? After all that is said and done, we had to learn things the hard way, time and time again. Even telling ourselves, countless times, to never repeat it again. Everything has a last straw, afters amounts and amounts of build up someone or something will bound to be the last straw.

I have never felt like this in so long and wishfully I thought it would probably not be coming back anytime soon. And when the last straw broke unexpectedly, I was the one to sponge all the blame. Truth to be told, I don't think I will ever get used to this feeling, this heavy shadow weighing over me, this guilt and the reflex action to be the one to do the chasing.

Though the chasing can be physically and emotionally draining, it never crossed my mind that I am obligated to. I feel like its a part of my role to make things better, that I know this well enough to make it right but why, with every step I take it's seems like I'm heading for the edge. It will come to a point of what does going the distance mean? What do I have to do to go in depth without giving up somewhere along the line?

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