May 15, 2011 @ 10:38 PM

I have been with H for six years now and just like every other relationship we have our fair share of ups and downs. We bicker and we fight but at the end of it all, no matter how long it takes we will make it all up. Point is, being with someone this long and knowing each other's family and friends, it is kind of expected to get questions or prompt on when are we moving on to the next level. And when that happens, H and I will automatically brush it off and say that we still have a long way to go. And I honestly feel like we do, we still have so much to accomplish. In addition, we both feel like we are still too young, especially me.

Though, H and I has had countless talks about the future, our future. We made endless plans of it and every time we do so, it gets really exciting. We could be doing something or conversing about something and it will lead to us planning for our future. Just the other day, we were singing to Marry You by Bruno Mars in the car and we ended up making a deal about our future, how H will propose to me and make sure it will move me to tears. I enjoy these moments because it made me see how much H loves me. It made me see how far H is willing to go for this relationship and to show me how much he does love me. And most of all, it makes me happy that H plans to have a future with me.

The future is what and how we make of it. H and I will definitely continue to make plans together. And someday I hope that those plans will come true.
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